Message from Akira
Message from Akira:261 articles
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PMF kits restocked today!
FOXONE's new items have arrived!!
FOXONE's new items have arrived!!
F-Toys Koku Fan Select Vol.2 has been released today!!
F-Toys Wing Kit Collection VS2 has been released today!!
Matuokasten kits restocked today!
PMF (Kamide koro koro) kits arrived today!
FOXONE's new items have arrived!!
PMF kits restocked!
FOXONE's new item has arrived today!!
F-Toys Twin Engine Vol.4 restocked!
F-Toys Twin Engine Vol.4 has been restocked now! Thanks for your patience. Cheers, Akira
F-Toys Twin Engine Vol.4
The Twin Engine Vol.4 will be restocked on Tuesday or Wednesday Thanks for your patience Akira
F-Toys Twin Engine Vol.4 has arrived!!
F-Toys HELIBORNE COLLECTION SPECIAL has been released in 2011 as a limited edition. They are available at Radjapan. They are all hard to find now even in Japan. Akira
Faulty HIGH SPEC SERIES VOL.2 F-4 Phantoms
I found a defect in the wing of a Phantom this morning. So I've checked all the Phantoms,just in case. Surprisingly,one out of every 4 Phantoms got its wing chipped! And I sent them back to F-toys today for replacements. I think I should receive the replacements in a few days. Thanks for your patience. Akira
F-Toys HIGH SPEC SERIES VOL.2 has arrived!!
FOXONE's new items have arrived!!
Military Watch Collection the first issue released!
Eaglemoss has released the first issue of Military Watch collection on the 31st of March in Japan. The first issue is Luftwaffe Aviator 1940's. Please note that the Military Watches from Eaglemoss are available in many countries (at least in the UK and Japan). It's wise to check if you can get one in your country before ordering here Akira
Bandai STAR WARS CONVERGE has arrived today!!
FOXONE's new items have arrived!!
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